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2 days ago - Svedic.org
correct this) or physical manifestation. Self-awareness can’t be a requirement for the presence of emotions because that would contradict current research
expression, gesture, voice, sweating, heart rate, etc.), can’t be a requirement for the presence of emotions because it would imply that people
a bit of a problem. As self-awareness is not a requirement, we can’t simply ask the subject if they experience emotions.
if they experience emotions. As a physical manifestation is not a requirement, we can’t simply observe the subject. So, how do we
1 day ago - Jay Fields' Thoughts
the CC's responsibilities very narrowly. CC was an option, not a requirement; if you delivered a feature you could request a CC, but
1 month ago - www.bentasker.co.uk
too picky, but a car being waterproof is basically a minimum requirement. Unfortunately, Corsas are not great on this point, wet footwells being
1 day ago - The Codist
job in the early 80s, learning new things was a fundamental requirement to being a programmer—almost everything you did was new, both
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
address these questions, we need to consider a third requirement. That requirement is that that Victor, having run the protocol with Peggy, should
to test a large fraction of the keyspace. (In practice this requirement is pretty reasonable, since brute forcing through an n- bit keyspace
other magic boxes might there be? As noted above, a critical requirement of the “magic box Schnorr” style of scheme is that the
in, say, the size of the function’s key.) A fundamental requirement of this definition is that the PRF’s key/seed (aka
possess all of the secret information that Peggy once had. This requirement also helps to why identification protocols are (necessarily) interactive, or at
truly useful identification protocol should add at least one additional security requirement: at the completion of this protocol, Victor (or an eavesdropper) should
generally required, in some instances we can seemingly “sneak around” this requirement by “extracting a challenge from the environment.” For example, real-world
1 day ago - Deep Thoughts by Raymond Hettinger | Ruminations on Computers, Programming and Life
update , so it may be necessary to extend those also. This requirement isn’t unique to super(); rather, it arises whenever builtins are
Root . This restriction is not much different than Python’s own requirement that all new exceptions must inherit from BaseException . 3) The techniques
2 days ago - David Vlijmincx
nothing goes right the first time, there is a bug, misunderstood requirement, deployment failure, or DNS issue. What is this magical thing used
1 day ago - datalars
amount of time . In and of itself, that is a good requirement, and will save power when such devices are not in use.
when such devices are not in use. Sometimes it's a bad requirement, and that is when: a) the automatic standby feature can't be
1 day ago - DEV Community
fly # devops Comments Add Comment 1 min read Is "non-functional requirement" a vague term? FagaoMBSE FagaoMBSE FagaoMBSE Follow Jul 25 Is "non-
vague term? FagaoMBSE FagaoMBSE FagaoMBSE Follow Jul 25 Is "non-functional requirement" a vague term? # requirements # softwareengineering Comments Add Comment 2 min read
1 day ago - Subclassed
Amazon . As a permanent solution, it suffers from lag and the requirement that the phone screen stays on all the time, set on