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1 day ago - Mechachan
you were always bitching you wish you had. This isn't the sadly departed mechachan.com, but the goals are similar: to talk about
Changing hosts at 2018-09-23T20:19:00 by De Rais Sadly, we have to change hosts, at least temporarily until I can
1 day ago - JerryGamblin.com – Researcher. Builder. Hacker. Traveler.
Problem and Archiving for Posterity ‘ on the problem of reference rot, sadly I was not able to attend, but I was interested in
1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
bytes never writes beyond that mark this mechanism has no overhead. Sadly, in real life, memory allocators don’t just allocate memory, sometimes
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
m the most chill person they’ll meet. But it’s sadly not a joke. Everyone else wants to go somewhere, or do
1 day ago - ENOSUCHBLOG
constructive property. Right? Tags and compressed tag sets Not so right, sadly. Taking another look at the wheel filename format, there are four
1 day ago - Alice GG
already quite a few people who did that around the internet. Sadly building an exhaustive list of offensive words is harder than it
1 day ago - Linux, Embedded, Android and Security blog – linux, android, aosp, embedded
every new git repository April 12, 2016 Ramon Leave a comment Sadly, when cloning a repository from Gerrit. the Gerrit’s commit-msg
1 day ago - Peter Steinberger
to find the _UIPopoverView. Fair enough, it’s a simple solution. Sadly there’s no _UIPopoverView for us mere mortals, it’s a
the same solution – this very much was a community-oriented fix. Sadly, this doesn’t seem to be a priority for Apple, since
1 day ago - Home Page - Tao of Mac
what I do care about is having something like iSH (which, sadly, seems to have gone into maintenance mode) to have a better
that demonstrates GPIO access, and matching ones for I2C, SPI, etc. Sadly, there’s no I2S support on this model–so my initial
1 day ago - Gus Van Horn
posted "Coward Maduro Bans 80-Year-Old Opponent," ending as follows: Sadly for Venezuela, the Maduro regime, scared of this kind, elderly lady