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1 day ago - thedadblog
talk in general. And lastly I hope that this act of self-determinism, of positive assertion of autonomy of thought against mysterious corporations,
is a private mantra that bolsters their true inner sense of self. Reminds them of their potential when things can be hard. We
kids inner voices grow the ability to talk back to negative self talk in general. And lastly I hope that this act of
1 day ago - Vertabelo Database Modeler
what is being built, and the modeling features make it completely self-documented. We couldn’t have done this project without it!” “I
1 day ago - actuality.log – emphatically static
2 January, 2023 As part of this recent focus on my self-hosted sites, I tried benchmarking some of them to see how
1 day ago - Swizec Teller
keynote 2014 - What I learned writing a lousy tech book 2013 - Self-publishing yes or no 2012 - Why programmers work at night 2012 -
1 day ago - Home Page 🪴 ~ foreverliketh.is
4.2 Habits 4.3 Willpower & Urge Surfing 4.4 The Self 4.5 Serotonin & Social Life 4.6 Externalization 4.7 Positive
4.2 Habits 4.3 Willpower & Urge Surfing 4.4 The Self 4.5 Serotonin & Social Life 4.6 Externalization 4.7 Positive
4.2 Habits 4.3 Willpower & Urge Surfing 4.4 The Self 4.5 Serotonin & Social Life 4.6 Externalization 4.7 Positive
2 Internalization 2.3 Control & Release 2.4 Disconnection 2.5 Self-Connection 2.6 Needs 2.7 NVC Stage 3 3.0
2 Internalization 2.3 Control & Release 2.4 Disconnection 2.5 Self-Connection 2.6 Needs 2.7 NVC Stage 3 3.0
2 Internalization 2.3 Control & Release 2.4 Disconnection 2.5 Self-Connection 2.6 Needs 2.7 NVC Stage 3 3.0
1 day ago - Unremarkable thoughts | Random stuff that I care about
between Zurich and Kalamata and a public note for my future self. Desired properties/limitations The trip must take place within a specific
1 day ago - rand[om] - med ∩ ml
ml Home Posts Hello there! I’m Ricardo, medical doctor and self-taught software engineer. I work on machine learning and software engineering
1 day ago - miqu.me
chose exFat for the filesystem. I write this as a future self-reference, but may be useful for somebody else, so here it
1 day ago - catonmat.net
with an empty text file and finished with a fully working self-contained application that we deployed to production in 0.1 second .
1 day ago - Fabulous adventures in coding | Eric Lippert's blog
In my system transformation rules are not just functions, they are self-describing objects. This can lead to some interesting debugging benefits . For
test: Any) -> MatchResult: pass def __call__(self, test: Any) -> MatchResult: return self.match(test) Pattern = Union[PatternBase, int, str, float, type, list, None]
match(self, test: Any) -> MatchResult: submatch = match(self.subpattern, getattr(test, self.name, None)) submatches = {self.name: submatch} if submatch.is_success(): return Success(