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1 day ago - All boards
1536×2048 467.74Kb Bangs/No bangs edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave
1.01Mb 1366×2048 319.96Kb Nekomimi edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave
402.35Kb 1536×2048 1.12Mb Greenery edition Rules: > 1. No sexual fantasies or porn content > 2. Do not insult idols > 3. Behave
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
examine private messages for certain types of illicit content, including child sexual abuse media (known as CSAM), along with a broad category of
would process unencrypted plaintext data, usually to look for known child sexual abuse media files (or CSAM.) Upon finding such an image, they
scan users’ private photo libraries for the presence of known child sexual abuse media , or CSAM. This would allow Apple to rapidly identify
1 month ago - Ideas | Hyperific's Blog
as an ex post facto lie detector - "I did not have sexual relations with that woman". Gesundheit - Edge ML device that listens for
1 day ago - Terms of Service
any kind. Images or any other kind of media depicting the sexual abuse of real children is explicitly forbidden and will be reported
1 day ago - Home Page 🪴 ~ foreverliketh.is
Deeper 5.2 Inner Child Work 5.3 Unlocking Your Inner Sexual Dominance 5.4 Mindfulness 5.5 Ebooks Downward Spiral ꩜ A Piece,
Deeper 5.2 Inner Child Work 5.3 Unlocking Your Inner Sexual Dominance 5.4 Mindfulness 5.5 Ebooks Downward Spiral ꩜ A Piece,
Deeper 5.2 Inner Child Work 5.3 Unlocking Your Inner Sexual Dominance 5.4 Mindfulness 5.5 Ebooks Downward Spiral ꩜ A Piece,
1 day ago - Wizardchan
other imageboards, Wizardchan is dedicated exclusively to people who have no sexual experience. Feel free to share your thoughts with fellow virgins, but
1 day ago - thedadblog
tools to stand up for themselves, and not quietly accept abuse (sexual or otherwise). But I think it would be better taught in
1 day ago - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - Archive - 4chan
475526107 ▶Day: 883 - Daily battlefield …[ View ]475571244>'I did not have sexual relations with that couch.' Do we believe him /pol/?…[ View ]
DONALD J TRUMP @POTUS45 https://www.…[ View ]475529198>Become trans >Has sexual comments to a 13 year old boy…[ View ]475530596 Now that
Kamala: Galatians 5:19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity an…[ View ]475500101ISRAELI MAN RAPED BY HAMAS: All the
1 month ago - Judge watch
led to brutal beating [2011 Dec] Barbara Farris | Family Courts Allow Sexual Abuse for Profit in PORN The following summaries are a few
Is this because the abuser is offered money to film his sexual abuse against the child so the judicial system gets a kick
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
Just like how marriages become stagnant and partners wish for more sexual variety, usually in the form of cheating. Child paedophile is both