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1 day ago - Matteo's Website
about this incredibly successful woman who feels bored in life, so she divorces her husband and goes on a trip to "find herself".
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
then a “don’t show again,” and a “close” button. Puzzled, she activates the close button. Now, she’s put into the actual
decides to be a little more brave. Taking a deep breath, she asks “How can a blind person use an iPhone?” Siri responds, “
the screen twice. It read another app on the screen… Twice. She continued playing with it, but couldn’t make much sense of
Walmart? Yeah, there’s that too. Her bosses just knew that she couldn’t possibly read the labels on the goods she normally
weather. Exasperated, she put the phone down and took a nap. She deserved it. And here we have the meat of the issue.
help of her new SSDI bill, and her mom where needed. She doesn’t like to ask people to do things for her
mom on her new phone, and see how that works. So, she double taps and holds on the home button to bring up
1 month ago - Drawing repetitive radial artworks – alexwlchan
text from a friend about an upcoming trip to Ireland, and she’d sent me the four-leafed clover emoji (🍀), so I was
1 month ago - The Universe of Discourse
while I work on this. Then I promise I'll explain everything.” She figured it out in way less than five minutes. She was
1 day ago - actuality.log – emphatically static
in her being my girlfriend. And then I did something that she could not process. I explained that I’m married. To someone
1 day ago - The Digital Nomad
was more than willing to put that off for another time. She had just come back from back to back trips to Las
bucket list to go to the US Tennis Open . She said she wanted to go this year. My wife definitely didn’t want
wife and I were planning to go to Niagara Falls. But she was more than willing to put that off for another time.
leaving Richmond , my wife and I parted ways for three weeks. She came back home to Orlando and I met my cousin in
time. My wife was actually able to meet a fitness instructor she knew and they taught a class together. Then we left Sunday
and exploring by herself while I sork during the week. But she really felt uncomfortable this time. Lesson learned. I won’t be “
1 day ago - Honest Musings
into. “What am I going to say to her. What is she going to say to me. It has been so long. Maybe
you. She also taught me how to whistle. Really loud! And she taught me how to draw a cow when before all I
must go. Wait! don’t tell her I was out. Promise!”, she blabbered in one breath and started skipping on the narrow track
shouted Arun. “It’s this place. It’s this horrible place”, she cried. “Why, you can’t tell me another fake name? Is
eyes so much in pain that it broke his heart. After she left, he was not surprised. And for a moment, even relieved
is always angry with me. She is nice to me. And she makes my hair. And her son is my friend and her
1 day ago - Erico Notes
chair, she swipes throgh group conversations in her phone. The man she was waiting appears, and sits besides here. She doesn't realize he
She doesn't realize he is there until he touches her neck. She breaks from her phone. From their gestures, they appear late to
phone. The man she was waiting appears, and sits besides here. She doesn't realize he is there until he touches her neck. She
backgrounds, meanwhile, he convinces his wife Melany to join us, and she quickly makes the awesome cover the game ended having. At this
1 day ago - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - Archive - 4chan
475522998Why do I feel sadistic joy looking at this?: Imagine if she didn't do it, what would happen? Sh…[ View ]475527467I used to
not mate w y…[ View ]475550492Does anyone else get the vibe she isnt that sad? Like her kid just got shot and killed
some socioeconomic factor or some shit?…[ View ]475550009reasons blacks hate kamala: she isnt black she pretends to be black she cimes from a
irrelevant mutt whore that was kept in shadows since 2020 because she talks like a …[ View ]475511278>be American >Somehow Israeli problems are
were ending tomorrow, and a hot 16 year old girl said she wanted to…[ View ]475514629>be Piotrsz >go for a nightwalk after
inactivity isn't…[ View ]475556954There is a married woman. I can tell she wants to do it.: What do I do pol? I can
my band[ View ]475494812 What is her skincare routine?: How is she 60 years old and looks likes she’s in her 30s?[
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
transcript using the approach described in the previous section — even if she does not know the secret key . The resulting signature would be
protocol, Peggy would… um… well, it’s not really clear what she would do. The “obvious” answer would be for Peggy to send
discussed above: Victor would then be able to impersonate Peggy after she conducted the protocol with him even one time. And fixing this
she runs the protocol. If Peggy were to omit this step, she’d be continuously producing “points” on a single “line” — which would
previous post: the signer chooses a fresh “y-intercept” each time she evaluates the protocol, because this ensures that the Verifier will not
is: the average of our two wages reveals enough information that she find my wage given knowledge of her own input. This (obvious)
she runs the protocol. (It would be a terrible disaster if she forgot to do this!) The existence of these magic boxes obviously