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1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
better way to hit them in the bottom line... Add this somewhere in your webpage (you can just stick it somewhere in the
great new web game at: http://constantsail.com/ It is currently somewhere between alpha and beta phases, and I am Head and tail -
1 month ago - Using large numpy arrays and pandas dataframes with multiprocessing | Emilio’s Blog
when finished using the data, or when the data was copied somewhere else. ''' self . _values . unlink () Here is how to use them,
when finished using the data, or when the data was copied somewhere else. ''' self . _shared . close () self . _shared . unlink () Now, use this
working with the array, or, alternatively, when you stored a copy somewhere else. If you don’t do this, that shared memory will
1 day ago - Danny Guo
Credit Karma ) and Sublime Fund . If you’d like to go somewhere else but aren’t sure where, try checking out a trending
way you go,” said the Cat. “–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,” Alice added as an explanation. “Oh, you’re sure to do
1 day ago - Devin Prater's blog
she finds out about a training center and gets a job somewhere, and lives happily ever after. Or something. Having a screen reader
state as of now. I just have to write this down somewhere, and my blog should be a good place to put it.
that Google is opening an accessibility office in London I think. Somewhere in the UK I know. I’m not sure if that’
Elektron-based app closes and focus is left out in space somewhere. An update shouldn't break Elektron apps' ability to show a web
it, or have tons of other priorities, so we can go somewhere else. Categories: accessibility • blindness Published: December 25, 2023 Debug Site Properties &
it’s sadly not a joke. Everyone else wants to go somewhere, or do something, or get out of the house. My house
that when a user starts a desktop, that focus is set somewhere sensible so that a screen reader reads something besides “window”? My
1 day ago - Honest Musings
buy that painting”, and began his walk towards the railway station. Somewhere to Belong December 19, 2013 ~ Adnaan Badr ~ Leave a comment Somewhere
features. “ You can’t stop the hive-mind, man. Everything goes somewhere and the hive-mind goes everywhere “. m ) App X let’s
heart to hide a hurt, In the saint of the heart. Somewhere way way back, Near the river of the song, Says a
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
from a mathematical perspective, the security properties of a PRF are somewhere between non-existent and undefined in this setting. But that’s
outlines of what we do know tells a story that is somewhere between “meh” and “ ugh “. Specifically, reporting from Reuters indicates that Apple
1 day ago - Code & Visuals
would have expected. Rosetta 2 usually can be expected to perform somewhere in the neighborhood of 50% to 80% of native performance for
to put inside of the hologram in a target space hidden somewhere in the overall scene (typically below the ground plane in a
1 day ago - on.code && such
INDEX idex_user_id_on_user_last_logins ON user_last_logins ( user_id ); -- CREATE INDEX -- Time: 7.783 ms Somewhere in the application code, when the user logs in, we update
1 day ago - The Qiqitori Blogs
also washed them before, just in case I’d used them somewhere dirty before): 5 red LEDs with a low forward voltage (around
1 month ago - An Inline Cache isn’t Just a Cache — Matthew Gaudet
cache stubs of similar generality and complexity, suggesting the range is somewhere between 1983 and 2004. (*) For the purposes of this blog post,