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1 day ago - PREPEND
new feature that the "model is self documenting", etc etc. It sounded like the good old days of someone pitching a 5GL . So
great and could support thousands of users on cheap hardware. This sounded promising so I asked to see the reports. They said they
1 day ago - Jon Skeet's coding blog
A/V system), it would open up new possibilities… well, that sounded like an opportunity to take MAUI for a spin. This blog
1 day ago - FractalCore
THINGS! 2020-10-17 :: Q. Marchi Because speed running DATA-LOSS% sounded like a cool idea. Read more → Hello World 2020-10-12 ::
1 day ago - fasterthanli.me
means "take responsibility for your fuckups", but, to young-me, definitely sounded more like "you don't deserve nice things". Read more Latest series
1 day ago - winrickLabs Blog
port in Swift a couple friends brought up an idea that sounded too fun to implement, so here it is. Think version control
1 day ago - print "Me" - portable perspectives
years, I kept forgetting it and rediscovering it and thinking it sounded great, but then not reading it anyway. In short, it’s
1 day ago - Life plus Linux
Then I came across this paper on Mask R-CNN which sounded promising for this usecase. And it was indeed much better than
1 day ago - absorptions
appeared in the audio (more on that later!). It might have sounded even worse. But we can still hope to enjoy the sound
Of course the flutter might be 100% authentic to how it sounded in theatres in the 1920s; we don't know when and why
video The mystery deepened when I listened to how this interference sounded like as an AM signal. It reminded me of a time
1 day ago - HackerEarth Engineering
plugin to compile and run code from my favorite code editor sounded exciting.... Lalit Khattar | 11 Mar 2013 contact@hackerearth.com +1-650-
3 weeks ago - Mohnish Thallavajhula
a web page and select Speech from the context menu. It sounded awful and there were no controls. If you accidentally selected a