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1 day ago - Galois: Trust in your most critical systems.
Releases CAMET Base Pack 1.7.1 Press Release Galois Serves Space-BACN for Breakfast Press Release Galois Releases New Versions of Verification
1 day ago - Muxup - Adventures in collaborative open source development
open source development Muxup Adventures in collaborative open source development A space maintained by Alex Bradbury - projects, blog posts, and notes on things
1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
for me to fill the house with stuff. even without the space constraints of the truck. On the flip side, I also thought
1 day ago - www.mootoday.com
Menu About Blog Projects Books Courses Always learn, always grow. Mike's space. Content about developer experience, full-stack web development, tech careers, and
1 day ago - Brian's Waste of Time
ZFS, so can use sparse-zvol for storage to make disk space only soft allocated, letting me overcommit. Now, the commands to make
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
options: PC VR with a huge upfront expense, a required dedicated space, and a wire attached to your head Quest - A tightly controlled
space fighting game - 2022-07-26 @date=2022-07-26 @tags= space-battle-game , art , concept-art On Nostalgia In The Evolution of
minutes) Ice Cream @date=2023-05-13 @tags= art , spen future space lady @date=2023-06-07 @tags= cassette-futurism Haiku - woodworking @date=
1 day ago - datalars
up a room in my house to be a pretty sweet space dedicated to retro-gaming. This includes a vintage PC, a CRT
to store all my recordings. I've checked "Generate File Name without Space" I've set the video encoder to x264 as it is light
1 day ago - print "Me" - portable perspectives
gimmicky nature of the first three, and gives us a cool space adventure, interesting world building, characters with mode depth. I think it
The writing issues are often sidestepped: there is no void of space, Bob just never gets bored or just sleeps. There are never
as disincorporated mind? How does he deal with the solitude of space? How does it deal with clones that have his exact thought
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
isn’t used often, there aren’t many innovations in that space due to lack of interest. However, couldn’t this same technology
on the airplane. They don’t have any concept of personal space or common decently. The lady I was behind reclined her chair
1 day ago - Rondam Ramblings
notice. But there is more to it than just that. The space of current theories has some extra and very important structure to