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1 day ago - HookRace Blog
My most recent post goes in another direction (no, it’s still about Nim): How I start a new Nim project. Check out
explore Nim ’s metaprogramming capabilities, which are quite powerful and yet still easy to use. After all great metaprogramming is one of Nim’
snippets and thoughts in this blog along the way. I’m still going with Nim as the programming language. For an easy start
1 day ago - Home | nyanpasu64's blog
served by a CRT monitor, but I didn't have one and still don't 😿.) June 27, 2022 Porting my blog to Zola 🔗 Moving away
1 day ago - Algorithms Weekly by Petr Mitrichev
jump by any coprime number of edges, and this criterion will still be valid. Also note that we can actually pick any of
the problem to Makoto and he solved it almost immediately), but still enjoyable: you are given a string of length n <=500000. We
more into the city having rested from their travels. It was still funny with the timezone differences and jetlag, as the same meal
1 day ago - Kai Kaufman's tech blog
as &[T; N]. A slice (usually represented as [T], with T still being the item type) is a subsection of a larger collection,
1 day ago - Sam Solomon | Designer, Writer and Developer
things is important. That sentiment, combined with my inability to sit still, has led to a lot of strange and varied projects over
1 day ago - tbolt - UI Design & Programming
series, and tons of great shareware and indie games. I’m still bitter Halo was rug-pulled from Mac . Apple seems to be
1 day ago - Justin Weiss
anything? Have you slogged through the same guide three times and still don’t know how to build a real app? In this
1 day ago - Aphyr - Posts
the database and filesystem–aphyr.com is old enough that it still has redirects for CGI scripts written circa 2005. While I’ve
1 day ago - blog
1. Authentication adopts commons-logging 2.0.1 while other libraries still depend on 1.1.1: my-application web-server 1.1.
1 day ago - The Digital Nomad
were planning on leaving to go to Denver. But Denver was still cold. We decided to stay in Las Vegas another three weeks
know things didn’t work out as planned then and we still haven’t been to either place - they are all on our