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1 day ago - Forward Scattering - The Weblog of Nicholas Chapman
this function is the one that just writes 1 to the tape and then halts. On the other hand, if f does not
operatorname{returnOneOnHalt_f} \) and see if it is the 'write one to tape and halt' machine. However we know that such an effective procedure
one step. A more interesting problem is the case where the tape alphabet \( \Gamma \) is fixed - e.g. to the binary case, where
corresponds a lot better to 'real' computers. So let's fix the tape alphabet and ask the question again: Given a fixed tape alphabet \( \
takes the largest number of steps on. Theorem: Given a fixed tape alphabet \( \Gamma \), There is an effective procedure for finding the fastest
element \( f(a) \). The machine \(T_1\) writes \( f(a) \) to the tape, overwriting \( a \), then halts. Q.E.D. I don't find this
1 day ago - The Qiqitori Blogs
we were able to boot into Wozmon and load BASIC from tape. How to boot into BASIC After powering up, clear the screen
it. Maybe haven’t seen it since moving house.) Let’s tape it down for electrical safety And because the power wires on
Pi Pico for signal conversion admin on Hitachi MB-H2 repair (tape recorder) Archives July 2024 (1) June 2024 (3) March 2024 (1)
and at the same time you press enter, start playing the tape. (This loads the BASIC interpreter into memory at 0xE000 to 0xEFFF.)
2 days ago - Sander van Dragt's Notes
1Password must be running) and not a fan of more red tape around the SSH keys. Non-interactive processes just fail to use
2 days ago - Electronics etc…
Formal Debugging Posterchild Nov 21, 2019 Solderless PCB Assembly with Z-tape - It's not that You Should, but Maybe You Could? Nov 11,
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
back in time to save him with at time traveling mix tape. The catch is that she... READ MORE (417 words, 3 minutes)
1 day ago - Andrew Ferguson dot NET – I am an enginerd: I excel at awkward.
I did and stick a wire in the female connector and tape it . Normal (only on when in reverse) AX-CAM6 Blue/White (
1 day ago - Home Page - Tao of Mac
pumps to add them to HomeKit. Wrapping the boards in Kapton tape Having working thermostats in nearly every room makes a bit of
1 day ago - julik live | Infinite time between bikeshedding and yak shaving. A VFX artist and software developer with opinions (but also goodwill). Opinions are all mine.
need Rubyforge more than ever Feb 22, 2009 Stop The Red Tape Now Feb 22, 2009 Path Routes Considered Harmful Feb 13, 2009
2 days ago - code.flickr.com
model where we place one copy on a slower, but underutilized, tape-based system while leaving the other on disk. This would decrease
do things The Node Way™ wherever possible. For example, each yakbak “tape” is actually its own module that simply exports an http.Server
s HTTP library and intercepts the request. If VCR has a tape matching the request, it simply replays the response to the client.
request through to the service, records the interaction to a new tape on disk and plays it back to the client. Introducing yakbak
delicate piece here is the placement of data, as seeks on tape systems are prohibitively slow. Depending on the details of what constitutes
create a server that always responds a certain way. Since the tape’s hash is based solely on the incoming request, we can
2 days ago - My Own Fortune – All that's left is to make it
to make an empty canvas, hang it on the wall and tape post-it notes filling the different blocks, which will then be