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1 month ago - Promises in Unity – IMVU Engineering Blog
Closures are a feature of C# (and many other languages) which tends to be under-utilized in Unity code. They’re a special
2 days ago - IMVU Engineering Blog – Software engineering best practices at IMVU
higher level, key system invariants had been broken. In addition, diffs tends to emphasize small, less important details over more important integration and
better way to run code reviews. It’s not as boring, tends to catch important changes to core systems, and is fairly efficient
Closures are a feature of C# (and many other languages) which tends to be under-utilized in Unity code. They’re a special
2 days ago - Andrew Wheeler | Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping
the event, and time spent resolving the event (time to dispatch tends to be quite trivial, but is sometimes included in the wait
response times by X amount. It ends up being though this tends to be trivial relation to the waiting in the queue time (
1 day ago - Swiftjective-C | iOS. Indies. Apple. Plus Things.
while preserving the original functionality. */ Not bad, like chatGPT 4, it tends to explain in detail what its changed are, and why it
pointed out an early guard statement, for example. And, each one tends to lean into language features, such as Swift’s functional aspects.
1 day ago - code.flickr.com
that is usually performed at the top-level multi-index. It tends to make the approximate distance computations more accurate by mitigating errors
compared to (G i , P j ) matrix. The group-photo relationship tends to capture groups that are similar by content (e.g.,“macro
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
it afterwards. Thinking about creative expression in critical terms and explanations tends to take away some of my enjoyment. Isn’t it good
you miss out on all the awkward bumps and pauses. Dialogue tends to have been edited but real conversations flows. Dialogue is also
2 days ago - bazaarvoice: engineering | The official blog of Bazaarvoice R&D
unstructured or random a set of data is. The English language tends to have high entropy relative to machine logs due to its
a single node for each step. As a result, each node tends to be short (in terms of lines of code) and specific (
1 day ago - Code & Visuals
being more performant when vectorized, a 4-wide splitting factor also tends to reduce the depth and therefore memory footprint of BVHs, and
by Matt Pharr after he realized that the reason auto-vectorization tends to work so poorly in practice is because auto-vectorization is
1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
Even taking into account the opportunities for further optimisation, aggressive inlining tends to increase the size of, and the time too compile, the
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
to enough violence results in equally violent retribution to enemies. Porn tends to drift people towards more extreme content, as straight sex becomes
It has every form of sub fetish possible. As such, masturbation tends to be quicker. Then, as we get bored of one type