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1 day ago - /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - Archive - 4chan
a pajeeta [ View ]475483656Working is literally pointless: Anyone else feel like theyre not getting ANY further ahead in life d…[ View ]475526255Why won’
IM GAY. 'just grow a beard, baby.'[ View ]475507451It's like they're not even trying with their skin suits anymore... >tell me you're…[
comments/1ean498/my_d…[ View ]475476796Muzz Ruzz Roof: if ruzzies are white (they're not), then why do they have curved muzzie rooftop…[ View ]475483409Why
so sick of hearing about this freemasonic patsy. Is that all they're going to talk abo…[ View ]475575930The alpha males are back and
with BLM?: Most of the activism aro…[ View ]475493620Just a reminder, they're going to cheat again. They're setting it up. They're openly …[ View ]
losing 50% of electorates faith in the electoral process in 2020 they're all b…[ View ]475527577Trump needs to stpe down. He's a fucking
1 day ago - Jay Fields' Thoughts
of those employees will impact your success. If you find what they're good at and get them doing that, you may have found
1 day ago - thedadblog
When the they're listening to has a crossover episode we say “they're trying to trick you in to throwing your money away!” And
there, we remind them “you're not allowed to watch that show, they're trying to trick you into wanting to watch it.” When there's
mentioned it yet in this post, I have five kids. And they're all SOOOOO different in so many ways. Raising our first kid (
the middle of the restaurant. Of course my first thought is “they're a horrible parent” but then of course, I think back to
up for their own preferences, and tastes, and comfort level as they're increasingly faced with peer pressure. Perhaps they'll be more likely to
with a belief that kids should be allowed to cry when they're sad, that expressing emotions is a good thing to do, and
1 day ago - Mechachan
do with the virtualization of our (otherwise excellent) shoestring-budget hosting. They're aware of the problem, but no fixes have worked yet. Update:
1 day ago - Jerry Ng's blog
Python. They are useful for creating modular and reusable code. Plus, they're pretty cool once you get the hang of them! In this
1 month ago - Steve Kemp's Blog
port I/O, delays, and simple math opertions. We can pretend they're stack-based, though there are some differences and some niggles. I'm
1 month ago - An Inline Cache isn’t Just a Cache — Matthew Gaudet
webserver like memcached . The funny thing is, that really undersells how they're used in SpiderMonkey (and I believe other JS engines), and in
1 day ago - Thoughts from Inside the Box
also can't blame them, because people do want to feel like they're doing something good or making a difference or whatever with their
probably be more successful in hiring by telling prospective employees that they're "[serving] the public conversation," even if the day-to-day job
2 days ago - Diary of a Fat Slob
era. There's a magazine table, with only a few subscriptions, but they're the ones I'd appreciate — The New Yorker , and the London Review
years, and I seriously doubt they even want to win elections. They're the Washington Generals — their job is to show up and look
of the ten are successful executives or millionaire real estate agents. They're all weirdos like me, like everyone I like, and despite my
of them gives a brief talk at the podium. After that they're each available to be "checked out" like books, for conversations at
at Spacely Space Sprockets. It's repetitive and boring as fuck, but they're important buttons, those buttons we push. The company couldn't function unless
1 day ago - Stevey's Blog Rants
would dictate that it should. Very gratifying! No complaints here! And they're also really nice when it comes to landing jumps that you
possible answer: they are clueless. I mean, don't get me wrong: they're also lovable, brilliant, passionate, technically astounding, and outright visionary . But they're
they're also lovable, brilliant, passionate, technically astounding, and outright visionary . But they're also and bumbling and clueless. They're the neighborhood kid who catches
playing upwards of 8 hours a day, around the clock. And they're all over the world -- I have testers in Japan, England, New
Zealand, Spain, Nigeria, Toronto, east coast, west coast, I forget where they're all from. But we're talking about a group of only about
What's a few API calls between friends?" They have quotas, but they're so high that I won't have to worry about them for
Our APIs should scale with your business." They have quotas, but they're so high that I won't have to worry about them for