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1 day ago - Sunil Shenoy - Sunil Shenoy
last five years. → 1:45 PM, Jan 13 three eight Finally thirty-eight. I felt thirty-eight when I was a year younger,
I have been feeling all year. I am happy to be thirty-eight—another year on this beautiful planet surrounded by great friends
have been times this year where I thought I was already thirty-seven, so as I write this post I don’t feel
write this post I don’t feel like I have turned thirty-seven. Have I mentioned how much I enjoy writing these posts?
1 day ago - JerryGamblin.com – Researcher. Builder. Hacker. Traveler.
Google’s Public DNS [] . It took over thirty minutes to run the 13,991 DNS lookups, and when done
1 day ago - Tim's Blog
to consider form (a player’s average score over the last thirty days) and the difficulty of each fixture. I wrote a first
1 day ago - Camas Meditation Group
part of our practice. I have linked below a fully guided thirty minute meditation on "Don't Wait: Pause," where we work on silence
1 day ago - code.flickr.com
when the dormant user returns. This “thaw” process would take under thirty seconds for a typical account. Additionally, for photos that are private (
1 day ago - Diary of a Fat Slob
proceedings, but he looks good in a suit so he makes thirty times what me and my co-workers do. And what do
1 day ago - cjlm
Tzadikim Nistarium, the hidden righteous ones. In some versions they are thirty-six in number, and thus are called the Lamed-Vav Tzadikim,
in number, and thus are called the Lamed-Vav Tzadikim, the thirty-six righteous ones. They emerge and act when needed to save
to breathe.” There’s a pause and Karl says I’m thirty As well as being hilarious it’s shocking to me that
what it all means, I persist in my daily running routine. Thirty years is a long time. To continue one habit that long
1 month ago - Paul Cobbaut's blog: 2007
co-operate with an open system that worked well for over thirty years. All computers can communicate with each other in every way
1 month ago - Reserve Studies - A Policy Analysis | ℤ→ℤ
was below the 2% target, prices grew by 25%. Over the thirty year time frame of most reserve studies, inflation provides a huge
1 day ago - Good times and golden oldies...
Image 1721913777741.png (392 KB, 1522x2111) I imagine anyone who is thirty here live 0 ] [ Catalog