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1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
Once the orb has scanned a user, the iris code is uploaded to a server operated by the Altman/Blania company Tools for
from the user’s biometric scan. The (public) “identity commitment”, is uploaded to Tools for Humanity, where it is stored in the database
widely deployed only after about 2011. These systems normally evaluate messages uploaded to a server, often a social network or public repository. In
are scanned on a server. This required that content must be uploaded in plaintext, i.e., unencrypted form, so that the server can
scanning on the user’s own device — before the data was uploaded. The technical implications of this design are critical: Apple’s scanning
1 day ago - Darren Devitt – FHIR concepts for developers, architects & business leaders
server How do you store a file in FHIR? A photo uploaded by a Patient. A PDF report written ... Darren Devitt Jul 2,
1 day ago - Sander van Dragt's Notes
Drag images into the composer textarea and they will be automatically uploaded behind the scenes and inserted into the post as markdown, similar
1 day ago - Linux, Embedded, Android and Security blog – linux, android, aosp, embedded
I recently gave a talk in KernelTLV Meetup . The talk was uploaded to YouTube, so if you’re interested, go a head and
1 day ago - Dollchan
Any information posted here is the responsibility of the user who uploaded it. The content on the site is intended for persons over
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
google-plus-post bucky balls/bb gauss rifle This video was uploaded from an Android phone. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q7iVdXivmlQ
1 day ago - print "Me" - portable perspectives
pretty great: Bob is a software developer that gets his mind uploaded into a Von Neumann probe , a spacecraft that travels the universe
it anyway. In short, it’s a story about virtual worlds, uploaded minds, the meaning of consciousness, what it means to live in
1 day ago - code.flickr.com
JPG Compression Flickr has had a long-standing commitment to keeping uploaded images byte-for-byte intact. This has placed a floor on
we hadn’t applied these techniques to many of our images uploaded prior to 2014. One big reason for this: large-scale changes
is pretty static. Users only rarely delete or change images once uploaded. We also had two distinct areas of just-in-case space.
1 day ago - Jon Skeet's coding blog
spreadsheet where the party names should have been. They were dutifully uploaded to Firestore, and I then deleted each of those records manually.
the site ended up polling data waiting for results to be uploaded two hours in the future. Likewise even before the night itself,
1 day ago - smcleod.net
beginner harp exercises and practice riffs, at the time it was uploaded to a few forums and a shared Google doc - both have