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1 month ago - Paul Cobbaut's blog: 2007
de deur van je huis te openen, of om via een van de vele webcams in je huis je spelende kinderen te bekijken.
einde aan...er was brand in het huis van Patricia , een van de hardst werkende vrijwilligers. emotie op zaterdagochtend Pas zaterdagochtend kwam ik
prachtige avond was... emotie op zaterdagavond Een uurtje voor we iets van de brand wisten, had ik kaarten besteld voor de halve finale
je dichtsbijzijnde vrienden opsporen en je boodschappen betalen. jaar 2015: herstart van de ruimtevaart Sinds de maanlandingen is de ruimtevaart aan het slabakken.
wel geslaagd. Ik raad elke single aan om de eerste vrijdag van de maand naar de viaviaborrel te komen (in de Wolstraat in
11-09 Pastafarius Ja, ik ben gelovig, ja ik ben lid van de Kerk . Pastafarius is de enige echte Godheid, Hij is de
Spaghetti Monster heeft veel volgelingen en zal binnenkort de grootste religie van de wereld zijn. Neen, dit is geen satire of humor! (Waar
1 day ago - Jan van den Berg - j11g.com
Jan van den Berg - j11g.com Skip to content Jan van den Berg
den Berg j11g.com Search for... Navigation Menu Search for... Jan van den Berg j11g.com Navigation Menu Navigation Menu Books Movies Podcasts ⠀
or CMD): diskpart.exe Run: select vdisk file=”C:\Users\Jan van den Berg\AppData\Local\Packages\TheDebianProject.DebianGNULinux_76v4gfsz19hv4\LocalState\ext4.vhdx” and
1 day ago - Garrick van Buren – About time. And product. And being more deliberate.
Garrick van Buren – About time. And product. And being more deliberate. Skip to
And product. And being more deliberate. Skip to content Menu Garrick van Buren About time. And product. And being more deliberate. Tuesday, 2
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1 day ago - Peter Hưng - Thinker. Maker
quan điểm của tôi là một khi chúng ta hiểu một vấn đề gì đó thật sự, chúng ta sẽ không cần phải
khoảng vài ngày) nếu chúng ta tự hỏi mình lại về vấn đề đó, chúng ta sẽ thấy là mình vẫn có thể
biến trong giáo dục phổ thông nhưng có thể chúng ta vẫn chưa hiểu rõ về nó để có thể áp dụng đúng
điểm ở trên. Có thể nào hiểu là một chuyện, nhưng vẫn phải phụ thuộc vào trí nhớ? Việc hiểu và nhớ trong
1 day ago - Neopythonic
with a final link, to the current code . Posted by Guido van Rossum at 11:39 PM No comments: Monday, February 28, 2022
of my bike: "Worst ride of my life." Posted by Guido van Rossum at 10:19 PM No comments: Friday, March 15, 2019
once you've confirmed it's needed* (probably by profiling). Posted by Guido van Rossum at 10:58 AM No comments: Monday, November 26, 2018
automate it, and you start solving new problems. Posted by Guido van Rossum at 9:13 AM No comments: Saturday, July 23, 2016
posts just isn't worth it. Thank you, spammers! :-( Posted by Guido van Rossum at 2:11 PM No comments: Wednesday, May 18, 2016
7 support, using type comments for function signatures.) Posted by Guido van Rossum at 11:55 AM No comments: Adding type annotations for
Zevenhoven, Eth a n Furman, and Brett Cannon.) Posted by Guido van Rossum at 7:06 AM 3 comments: Older Posts Home Subscribe
1 day ago - Gregor van Egdom | Creative technical problem solver
Gregor van Egdom | Creative technical problem solver Main menu Skip to primary content
2 days ago - Andrew Wheeler | Crime Analysis and Crime Mapping
offenders have varying travel distances). This is the same point in Van Koppen & De Keijser (1997), and the fact that offenders have different
to reduce crime in Buffalo, NY. Security Journal , 31, 190-207 . Van Koppen, P. J., & De Keijser, J. W. (1997). Desisting distance decay:
1 day ago - Honest Musings
modern day “A starry night”, they said. “An artist paralleled to Van Gogh” said another. It was claimed to be the sole work
Monalisa or represent the raw beauty of nature as in a Van Gogh’s? It’s a common conception that being creative is