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2 days ago - Open Indie
in a discussion on Community Grouping : As a user, I recently wanted to post to AskLemmy. Almost every single instance has their own
for a whole new protocol: Then another thing was we really wanted to get account portability. So, this ability to leave with your
help forward their stuff over to a new place. So, we wanted to get around that problem and make sure people always had
1 day ago - Nathan Friend
perfect excuse to play around with these LED strips again. I wanted to engineer a way to allow my family to know I
web server Now that I had code compiling and running, I wanted to prove out the idea of running a web server on
1 day ago - RobKohr's Blog
on twitter I opened up a second twitter account, and I wanted to follow everyone my first twitter account was following. I went
fun , projects Longview has an annual cardboard boat regatta, and I wanted to participate this year. The theme was Christmas in July, and
1 day ago - Peek Read Info
some of what I learned from reading this article I now wanted to test my Postgres database using it's benchmarking tool pgbench. I
comment by /u/internallogictv over on the reddit /r/selfhosted , I wanted to add a few more protections. The simplest of which is
1 day ago - Andrew Ferguson dot NET – I am an enginerd: I excel at awkward.
to make PCBs and it’s always been something I’ve wanted to do. Astute readers may remember that I tried making a
The Prius has a microphone (at least mine does) and I wanted to keep that microphone instead of adding a new one. The
friend Charlie into helping me build one (spoiler alert: other friends wanted one too…so we made four). Design requirements: Safe to useAs
2 days ago - Random Notes by agilob
The project runs by default with -XX:NativeMemoryTracking=summary enabled. I wanted to observe how JVM will report native memory, crash and what
unfinalize class November 11, 2023 Java That one boring Saturday I wanted to learn something more about agents and thought it would be
2 days ago - Diary of a Fat Slob
literature by "the greats" I've mostly never read but always kinda wanted to, with plenty of present-day fiction, too, and biographies of
at the same tables, but all the oldsters I chatted with wanted to chat about church. And so it goes. Are personal ads
1 day ago - Fabulous adventures in coding | Eric Lippert's blog
forth until a fixpoint is reached” would be easy, if we wanted to try that. The optimization combinator — “try these n different rewrites
part 9 Posted on March 21, 2023 by ericlippert 1 I wanted to implement concise “pattern matching” in Python, a language which unlike
1 day ago - Greg Navis | Fractional CTO
working together was how easy it was to describe what we wanted to accomplish and then Greg would return with those changes completed
Everywhere My co-founder and I aren’t web developers but wanted to build an MVP. We were looking for someone trustworthy who
Material Design. This made it very easy to clarify how we wanted those parts of the application to function and look. What I
1 day ago - Artsy Engineering
be able to group a bunch of artworks together. If we wanted to have a page with all of the ceramics by Lucio
a service called KAWS, named after the artist (whose works we wanted to put in several of these collections). Now, 4 years later,