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1 day ago - Dave Cheney | The acme of foolishness
likely the remainder of the allocation, 4kb or more, would be wasted. Because of this the set of possible size classes is fixed.
1 day ago - Jay Fields' Thoughts
and get back to coding? For fear of half-ass, thus wasted effort, I tried to define the CC's responsibilities very narrowly. CC
tradeoffs, experience reports, and concrete direction you end up with hours wasted on bad tests and proclamations of TDD's death. The report of
teams fail repeatedly with Unit Tests, leading to (at best) significant wasted time and (at worst) abandoning the idea with almost nothing gained.
1 day ago - The Qiqitori Blogs
SRAM but the CPU’s internal DRAM refresh counter is not wasted Additionally, the ZX81 was one of the first retro computers I
1 day ago - PREPEND
involve explaining how we aren't like those other EA guys who wasted their time and money. 2) It is an artificial term that
thousands to debug and repair. Not to mention millions of huge, wasted 8 processor sun boxen." Of course, I'm being a little facetious,
buffers are never shared between threads so all that synchronization is wasted. I looked around and couldn't find any open source non-synchronized
1 day ago - Neopythonic
commenting for my blogs. While I've enjoyed some feedback, the time wasted to moderate spam posts just isn't worth it. Thank you, spammers! :-(
1 day ago - winrickLabs Blog
scale. A poorly coded backend could mean six months of work wasted if we go down on launch day and nobody comes back
1 day ago - if else | if else
years in order to make sure my users’ time isn’t wasted and wanted to share some of those lessons here. Better, Faster,
1 day ago - IMVU Engineering Blog – Software engineering best practices at IMVU
the life of the code. Reviewing diffs can also result in wasted work. Perhaps someone is iterating towards a solution. The code reviewer
1 day ago - Josh Withers, the group chat
the right) hoping that I like that better. My comedy is wasted on these people. Aug 19, 2023 ∞ Frames from Singapore Aug 19,
s north star. Posted from the EU. Jun 21, 2024 ∞ AI, wasted on us old people You’ve got to be careful when
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
in France. That’d be the most depressing realisation, that you wasted 5 years of your life for naught. There’s a quote,