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1 day ago - Martin Bukatovič's Blog
during boot process. I could have used inotify and setup a watch for these files, but since I was also interested to learn
2 days ago - All boards
we will celebrate birthdays of Jihan and Yebin Some kchanons will watch the Euro finals Idk, maybe some summer comebacks will happen Replies: >>
2 days ago - Home | Zef Houssney
13, 2022 Plywood Nail Gun Trigger May 27, 2022 3D Printed Watch Band Retainer May 13, 2022 I have often had the intention
1 month ago - On Burnout — Matthew Gaudet
for me, this mostly came out in media selection. I didn't watch any drama of any sort for almost two years. I couldn't
still took another year before I felt emotionally strong enough to watch/read more emotionally challenging media. Despite my mostly recovered state, I
1 day ago - The Language Of My Soul Blog
the way. But people aren’t going to sit there and watch propaganda. Given ones free choice, people will always gravitate towards the
the way. But people aren’t going to sit there and watch propaganda. Given ones free choice, people will always gravitate towards the
be difficult. What would the advert look like? Questionnaire, if you watch hardcore porn, please apply. Not to mention funding would be problematic,
way, it’s not their true selves. Like the advice to watch how others treat waiters to judge them. Even if we treated
sing and dance. If that’s what you’re into, then watch it, listen to the songs, and enjoy the anime. But if
great film that everyone who likes great writing and anime should watch. I’d give it an almost a masterpiece out of masterpiece
anime. But if you’re like me, someone who wants to watch something real, where 2d characters transform into something much more. Characters
1 day ago - Linux, Embedded, Android and Security blog – linux, android, aosp, embedded
to YouTube, so if you’re interested, go a head and watch it. The Talk is in Hebrew, but the slides are in
1 day ago - LostFocus
history. This one is about sandwiches and I dare you to watch it while hungry. Why Western Designs Fail in Developing Countries – the
up everywhere) turned up empty today. What I did do was watch a few interesting YouTube videos, so maybe that’s something for
Fail in Developing Countries – the short answer: hubris. The long answer: watch this video. That’s all for this week. Go outside. Touch
1 day ago - Sam Saffron
very careful when using ActiveRecord eager loading over 16 years ago Watch out when you use ActiveRecord eager loading, it has the potential
1 day ago - GIPHY Engineering | GIPHY Engineering
done over the years, and the current AI startup landscape. You watch the... more » Latest Posts Inferring Creativity February 7, 2024 by Bjorn
1 day ago - Senko Rašić
on (and there's even an accompanying video you may want to watch as a gentler intro). Follow that up with The Annotated Transformer
dedicate effort in learning the ins-and-outs of modern AIs, watch these first to give you a general overview: The busy person's