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1 day ago - Daniel Näslund | A blog about security, embedded and performance optimization
short talks with recommended reading - before attending was great. I only wished that I had more time to prepare. A big thank you
1 day ago - Robin's Blog
releases on Github May 20, 2024 For a while I’d wished there was an easy way to get notified when my favourite
1 day ago - rockoder ·
But I missed the syntax highlights of Visual Studio Code and wished if I could apply the same in the Sublime Text. I
1 day ago - actuality.log – emphatically static
my friend. Asking if she was my girlfriend. Asking if I wished she was my girlfriend. How did we meet. I slowly explained
1 day ago - PicCollage Company Blog
Products at PicCollage A reflection on my key learnings & what I wished I knew before starting Andy Hsu Jul 12, 2021 Behind the
1 day ago - Open Source License Compliance & Security – for software dependencies
about how to run the VersionEye crawlers in house. Most people wished me all the best for the future, and they asked me
1 day ago - A Few Thoughts on Cryptographic Engineering – Some random thoughts about crypto. Notes from a course I teach. Pictures of my dachshunds.
indicates that Apple came under pressure from government agencies: these agencies wished Apple to maintain the availability of cleartext backup data, since this
essential to the conjectured “hardness” of this function — they cannot be wished away or eliminated. A second important fact is that the secret
1 day ago - Beetle Space
Once I got used to browsing Info manuals in Emacs, I wished I didn’t have to go look at online docs all
1 month ago - Londogard Blog
task to remove empty room in a image. Have you ever wished to do ‘Content Aware Scaling’? Learn it now! May 17, 2021